Website personalisation: Sending data to Ometria



Categories are the main organisational unit for Products and Pages and are represented as a hierarchical tree.

A product (or page) can be contained in multiple categories.

Categories data schema

Categories are DITMAP structures.

    "descriptions": /* See DITMAP */,
    "id": /* See DITMAP */,
    "titles": /* See DITMAP */,
    "media": /* See DITMAP */,
    "abstracts": /* See DITMAP */,
    "properties": /* See DITMAP */,
    "enabled": true,
    "include_in_search": true,
    "type": "manual" /* "manual" or "dynamic" or "seo" */,
    "slugs": {
        "de-de": "blumenkleid",
        "en-us": "multicolor-floral-dress",
        "en-gb": "multicolour-floral-dress",
        "th-th": "ดอกไม้-ชุด"
    "urls": {
        "de-de": "/kleidung/kleider/blumenkleid",
        "en-us": "/clothing/dresses/multicolor-floral-dress",
        "en-gb": "/clothing/dresses/multicolour-floral-dress",
        "th-th": "/เสื้อผ้า/ชุด/ดอกไม้-ชุด"
    "meta": {
        "de-de": {
            "title": "Leichte florale Sommerkleid",
            "description": "Formal oder lässig"
        "en-us": {
            "title": "Multicolor Floral dress collection",
            "description": "Formal or casual",
            "keywords": "clothing, dresses, format, casual"
        "en-gb": {
            "title": "Multicolour Floral dress collection",
            "description": "Formal or casual",
            "keywords": "clothing, dresses, format, casual"
        "th-th": {
            "title": "คอลเล็คชั่นชุดเดรสลายดอกไม้หลากสี"
    "tags": ["clothing", "dresses"],
    "version": 127,
    "children": {
        "categories": [
            { "id": "tops", "sequence": 1 },
            { "id": "dresses", "sequence": 2 },
            { "id": "accessories", "sequence": 3 }
        "products": [
            { "id": "6648024301746", "sequence": 1 },
            { "id": "6560262226098", "sequence": 2 },
            { "id": "6560241647794", "sequence": 3 },
            { "id": "6560262127794", "sequence": 4 },
            { "id": "6560262193330", "sequence": 5 }
        "pages": [
            {"id": "help", "sequence": 1 },
            {"id": "deliveries", "sequence": 2 },
            {"id": "returns", "sequence": 3 }
    "product_filters": {
        "set": {
            "match": "and",
            "rules": [
                    "condition": "equals",
                    "target": "brand",
                    "values": ["acme"]

enabledOptionalBooleanIf disabled then this category will no longer appear in any results.

If no value is supplied a default value of "true" will be used.
include_in_searchOptionalBooleanIf set to true then the category will be searchable in the search results and autocomplete.

If no value is supplied a default value of "true" will be used.
typeOptionalStringA string containing either "manual" or "dynamic".

If no value is supplied a default value of "manual" will be used.
slugsOptionalObjectAn object containing key-value pairs of language-slug.

A slug is the most granular part of the url for a given category.

See also: Slugs vs. URLs
urlsOptionalObjectAn object containing key-value pairs of language-url.

This is for defining full URLs.

See also: Slugs vs. URLs
metaOptionalObjectAn object containing a language tree with a collection of meta tags (key-value pairs) as the leaf nodes.

The each key-value pair represents a language specific meta tag to be displayed within the section.

In most cases this will not be required.
tagsOptionalArrayAn array containing a simple string list of tags.
versionOptionalIntegerAn integer containing a version number for this record.

If not supplied then Ometria creates and tracks the version number starting at 1.
childrenRequiredObjectAn object containing details of child categories, products and pages.
children/actionOptionalStringA string specific to delta, to define the atomicity of the children.

E.g.: "action":"purge" makes sure that only the children supplied are attributed to the category.

Orphaned dependencies in the platform will be removed.

See also: children/action
children/categoriesRequiredArrayAn array of categories that are children of the current category.
Each category object should contain an "id" and optionally a "sequence".

See also: children/categories action
children/productsRequiredArrayAn array of products that are children of the current category.

Each product object should contain an "id" and optionally a "sequence".

See also: children/products
children/pagesRequiredArrayAn array of pages that are children of the current category.
Each page object should contain an "id" and optionally a "sequence".
See also: children / pages
parentsOptionalString arrayA string array specific to delta, of parent category "id"s that the current category is assigned to.

See also: parents
product_filtersOptionalObjectAn object containing details of product filters.

product_filters are only required when the type field is set to dynamic or seo.

If type is set to manual then this field is ignored.

Slugs vs URLs

Sometimes it's useful to use a slug rather than a url.

For example, by referring to the slug you can generate a different product URL in different categories for the same product.

URLs can be useful when you don't have any category context, e.g. in a search page.
If in doubt, use both.

Children action

    "children": {
        "action": "purge"
        "categories": [
            { "id": "tops", "sequence": 1 },
            { "id": "dresses", "sequence": 2 },
            { "id": "accessories", "sequence": 3 }
        "products": [
            { "id": "6648024301746", "sequence": 1 },
            { "id": "6560262226098", "sequence": 2 },
            { "id": "6560241647794", "sequence": 3 },
            { "id": "6560262127794", "sequence": 4 },
            { "id": "6560262193330", "sequence": 5 }
        "pages": [
            {"id": "help", "sequence": 1 },
            {"id": "deliveries", "sequence": 2 },
            {"id": "returns", "sequence": 3 }

Children/categories action


A string specific to delta, to define whether a child category is to be removed.

Example "action":"delete":

   "children": {
       "categories": [
           { "id": "tops", "sequence": 1 },
           { "id": "dresses", "sequence": 2 },
           { "id": "accessories", "sequence": 3, "action": "delete" }

children / products action


A string specific to delta, to define whether a child product is to be removed.

Example "action":"delete"

    "children": {
        "products": [
            { "id": "6560262193330", "sequence": 5, "action": "delete" }

children / pages action


A string specific to delta, to define whether a child page is to be removed.

Example "action":"delete"

    "children": {
        "pages": [
            {"id": "help", "sequence": 1 },
            {"id": "returns", "sequence": 3, "action": "delete" }


    "descriptions": /* See DITMAP */,
    "id": /* See DITMAP */,
    "titles": /* See DITMAP */,
    "media": /* See DITMAP */,
    "abstracts": /* See DITMAP */,
    "properties": /* See DITMAP */,
    "enabled": true,
    "include_in_search": true,
    "type": "manual" /* "manual" or "dynamic" or "seo" */,
    "slugs": {},
    "urls": {},
    "meta": {},
    "tags": [],
    "version": 1,
    "children": {
        "categories": [],
        "products": [
            { "id": "6648024301746", "sequence": 1 }            
        "pages": []
    "parents": ["parentId","parentId"]    


Here is a simple view of the product data model and its relations:


Attributes are data objects that contain full definitions for both features and variants of a product.

Attributes are structured objects that conform to the DITMAP structure.

As structured data, Variants and Features can be used in Merchandising blends, Merchandising concepts, Facets, Search etc. and so are extremely powerful when configured in Ometria Web Personalisation.


Variants are Attributes that customers can select before adding a product to their basket, e.g. colour, size, etc.

Variant attributes can be hierarchical, if needed. E.g. colour x size.

There is no limit to the depth of variant attributes.


Features are Attributes that customers can't select, e.g. a product's material; cotton, polyester, etc.

This is a feature of the product, not a choice the customer can make.


Like features, properties are not selectable options (choices for the customer).

However, properties are not mapped to attributes, and have simpler data structures.

In most cases, properties are key value pairs, but they can be any valid JSON.

Use properties for simple data where there is no requirement to use them as part of your merchandising strategies, e.g. defining settings for the templating engine.

Products data schema

Products are DITMAP structures.

    "descriptions": /* See DITMAP */,
    "id": /* See DITMAP */,
    "titles": /* See DITMAP */,
    "media": /* See DITMAP */,
    "abstracts": /* See DITMAP */,
    "properties": /* See DITMAP */,
    "sku": "top80671",
    "enabled": true,
    "include_in_search": true,
    "stock": 78, /* Now Deprecated - see Warehousing */
    "product_type_id": "tops",
    "prices": {
        "EUR": {
            "price": 14.99,
            "cost": 19.60,
            "rrp": 16.50,
            "was": 15.99
        "USD": {
            "price": 17.99,
            "cost": 23.56,
            "rrp": 19.99,
            "was": 18.99
        "GBP": {
            "price": 12.99,
            "cost": 17.00,
            "rrp": 14.50,
            "was": 14.00
    "slugs": {
        "en-us": "cotton-tshirt"
    "urls": {
        "en-us": "/clothing/tops/cotton-tshirt"
    "meta": {
        "en-us": {
            "title": "Cotton T-Shirt",
            "description": "Non-shrink, long lasting t-shirt"
    "tags": ["top", "tshirt", "cotton"],
    "version": 127,
    "features": [
            "hierarchy": ["vendor", "londonthings"]
            "hierarchy": ["material", "cotton"]
            "hierarchy": ["material", "leather"],
            "properties": {
                "waterproof": true
    "variants": [
            "id": "abc123", /* Should be globaly unique */
            "sku": "41504229-blue-size-one",
            "stock": 1473, /* Now Deprecated - see Warehousing */
            "hierarchy": ["color", "blue", "size", "one-size"],
            "titles": {
                "en-us": {
                    "default": "Blue TShirt"
            "media": {
                "default": {
                    "src": "/images/blue-dress.jpg",
                    "width": 640,
                    "height": 640
            "prices": {
                "GBP": {
                    "price": 29.80,
                    "cost": 15.55,
                    "rrp": 32.99,
                    "was": 18.99
            "properties": {
                "weight": 0.0,
                "weight_unit": "lb"
            "id": "41504229-black-size-one" /* Suggest repeating SKU if no specific ID */
            "sku": "41504229-black-size-one",
            "stock": 877, /* Now Deprecated - see Warehousing */
            "hierarchy": ["color", "black", "size", "one-size"],
            "titles": {
                "en-us": {
                    "default": "Black TShirt"
            "prices": {
                "GBP": {
                    "price": 17.77
            "id": "41504229-green-size-one" /* Suggest repeating SKU if no specific ID */
            "sku": "41504229-green-size-one",
            "stock": 1003,  /* Now Deprecated - see Warehousing */
            "hierarchy": ["color", "green", "size", "one-size"],
            "prices": {
                "GBP": {
                    "price": 17.77
    "warehousing": [
          "warehouse_id": "*",
          "variant_id": "ABC123",
          "stock": 1473,
          "stock_threshold": 0,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
          "warehouse_id": "Lon",
          "variant_id": "41504229-black-size-one",
          "stock": 400,
          "stock_threshold": 0,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
          "warehouse_id": "Bir",
          "variant_id": "41504229-black-size-one",
          "stock": 477,
          "stock_threshold": 0,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
          "warehouse_id": "*",
          "variant_id": "41504229-green-size-one",
          "stock": 1003,
          "stock_threshold": -10,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null



Hierarchy is the only required field. All other fields are optional.

skuStringStock keeping unit.
enabledBooleanIf disabled then this product won't appear in any results.

If no value is supplied a default value of "true" is used.
include_in_searchBooleanIf set to true then the category will be searchable in the search results and autocomplete.

If no value is supplied a default value of "true" is used.
stockIntegerAn integer representing the parent level stock count.

Note: This field has been deprecated in favour of the warehousing field.

See: Warehousing data schema
product_type_idStringA string defining the product type id that this product is associated with.
pricesObjectAn object containing a currency tree which represents the parent price.

Each currency node can set the properties:

- price Number (Required)
- cost Number (Optional)
- rrp Number (Optional)
- was Number (Optional)

See also: Custom prices
slugsObjectAn object containing key-value pairs of language-slug.

A slug is the most granular part of the URL for a given category.
urlsObjectAn object containing key-value pairs of language-url.

This is for defining full URLs.
metaObjectAn object containing a language tree with a collection of meta tags (key-value pairs) as the leaf nodes.

Each key-value pair represents a language specific meta tag to be displayed within the <head> section.

In most cases this will not be required.
tagsArrayAn array containing a simple string list of tags.
versionIntegerAn integer containing a version number for this record.

If not supplied then Ometria creates and tracks the version number starting at 1.
featuresArrayAn array of features.

Each feature is a DITMAP object but also includes a hierarchy field (see below).
variantsArrayAn array of variants.

Each variant is a DITMAP object but also includes a sku field (string), a price field (object) and a hierarchy field (see below).

You must provide a globally unique ID for each variant.

We recommend reusing SKU if you don't have a separate variant id.

An array that defines the path for a feature or variant.

The structure of the path is:
[attribute1_id, attribute1_option_id, attribute2_id, attribute2_option_id] etc.

Like other ID values, the attribute_id and attribute_option_id should be lower case and URL safe.
warehousing (product/variant)ArrayAn array that has one record per variant (or product if no variants) per warehouse.

See: Warehousing data schema

Custom prices

If you'd like to send additional custom prices of your own you may do so using the following syntax where custom_price_1 etc. can be any string identifier of your choice:

"EUR": {
    "price": 14.99,
    "cost": 19.60,
    "rrp": 16.50,
    "was": 15.99,
      "custom_price_1": 10,
      "custom_price_2": 7.99,
      "custom_price_3": 3.99

Warehousing data schema

Warehousing is used to represent the stock at either variant or product level.

Provide only one per product, i.e.

If your stock is tracked at a variant level then provide variant stock in the warehousing node.

If your product has no variants then provide the data at product level.

product_id is not required in the Warehousing node. It is cascaded from its parent node.

This is a subset of the JSON from the Products data schema:

   "warehousing": [
          "warehouse_id": "*",
          "variant_id": "ABC123",
          "stock": 1473,
          "stock_threshold": 0,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
          "warehouse_id": "Lon",
          "variant_id": "41504229-black-size-one",
          "stock": 400,
          "stock_threshold": 0,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
          "warehouse_id": "Bir",
          "variant_id": "41504229-black-size-one",
          "stock": 477,
          "stock_threshold": 0,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
          "warehouse_id": "*",
          "variant_id": "41504229-green-size-one",
          "stock": 1003,
          "stock_threshold": -10,
          "allow_backorder": false,
          "un_metered": null
warehouse_idRequiredStringA unique identifier for the warehouse.

If you have a single warehouse then * is preferred for the warehouse id.

If you have multiple warehouses then you can use any string to identify the warehouse but you must use the same string when requesting data if you want to restrict it to the stock from a specific warehouse.
variant_idRequiredStringA unique identifier for the variant.

The variant_idhere must match the id used on the variants node in the products data schema.

If a product doesn't have variants then provide * for the variant_id and provide the product level stock for the warehouse.

Don't provide both product and variant level stock. Product values will be ignored if variant values are supplied.
stockOptionalIntegerThe quantity of stock available to sell.
This would normally be Required.
It is optional if you don’t want Ometria to take account of stock on your site, or because you have set un_metered to "true" for this product.
stock_thresholdOptionalIntegerIf not supplied this will default to 0.
A value of 10 means stop selling when the stock drops to 10.
A value of -10 means keep selling until the stock reaches -10.
allow_backorderOptionalBooleanIf not provided, this field defaults to null which acts as false.
If set to "true" the stock will keep selling even when stock is negative.
un_meteredOptionalBooleanIf not supplied, this field defaults to null which acts as false.
Similar effect to allow_backorder, but without the need to maintain a stock level at all.
E.g. for an electronic gift card.


Pages are informational units that represent a content page on a website (e.g. delivery information page, returns information page etc.)

Pages data schema

Pages are DITMAP structures.

   "descriptions": /* See DITMAP */,
   "id": /* See DITMAP */,
   "titles": /* See DITMAP */,
   "media": /* See DITMAP */,
   "abstracts": /* See DITMAP */,
   "properties": /* See DITMAP */,
   "enabled": true,
   "include_in_search": true,
   "type": "information",
   "slugs": {
       "en-us": "delivery-information",
       "fr-ca": "informations-de-livraison"
   "urls": {
       "en-us": "/help/delivery-information",
       "fr-ca": "/info/informations-de-livraison"
   "meta": {
       "en-us": {
           "title": "Delivery Information"
       "fr-ca": {
           "title": "Informations-de-livraison"
   "tags": ["delivery", "information", "contact"]
   "version": 127



All fields are optional.

enabledBooleanIf disabled then this page won't appear in any results.

If no value is supplied a default value of "true" will be used.
include_in_searchBooleanIf set to true then the category will be searchable in the search results and autocomplete.

If no value is supplied a default value of "true" will be used.
typeStringA string containing either "manual" or "dynamic".

If no value is supplied a default value of "manual" will be used.
slugsObjectAn object containing key-value pairs of language-slug.

A slug is the most granular part of the url for a given category.
urlsObjectAn object containing key-value pairs of language-url.

This is for defining full URLs.
metaObjectAn object containing a language tree with a collection of meta tags (key-value pairs) as the leaf nodes.

Each key-value pair represents a language specific meta tag to be displayed within the <head> section.

In most cases this will not be required.
tagsArrayAn array containing a simple string list of tags.
versionIntegerAn integer containing a version number for this record.

If not supplied then Ometria creates and tracks the version number starting at 1.

Delta updates

A delta update is a software update that requires the user to download only those parts of the software's code that are new, or have been changed from their previous state, instead of having to download the entire program.

DITMAP data schema

DITMAP is a common structure/pattern in Ometria's Web Personalisation feature.

It stands for:

  • Descriptions
  • Id
  • Titles
  • Media
  • Abstracts
  • Properties

Field order

The order in which you insert your fields is not important.

For example, id can come before descriptions or any other field.

Most objects are based on this pattern.

   "descriptions": {
       "en-gb": {
           "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p><p>Great for parties</p>",
           "washing_instructions": "<p>Machine washable and tumble dryer ready</p>"
       "de-de": {
           "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p><p>Ideal für Partys</p>",
           "washing_instructions": "<p>Maschinenwaschbarer und Wäschetrockner bereit</p>"
   "id": "186917",
   "titles": {
       "en-gb": {
           "default": "Floral Dress",
           "alt_title": "Summer Dress"
       "de-de": {
           "default": "Blumenkleid",
           "alt_title": "Sommerkleid"
   "media": {
       "default": {
           "src": "",
           "width": 400,
           "height": 400
       "front": {
           "src": "",
           "width": 1600,
           "height": 1600
       "back": {
           "src": "",
           "width": 550,
           "height": 550
       "with_model": {
           "src": "",
           "width": 550,
           "height": 550
       "alt1": {
           "src": "",
           "width": 550,
           "height": 550
   "abstracts": {
       "en-gb": {
           "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p>",
           "occasion": "<p>Formal or casual</p>"
       "de-de": {
           "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p>",
           "occasion": "<p>Formal oder lässig</p>"
   "properties": {
       "washable": true,
       "extra_info": "stain resistant",
       "warranty": "1 year",
       "occasion": [



An object containing a language tree with a collection of descriptions (key-value pairs) as the leaf nodes.

Language specific objects require that the language be defined at the first level and the individual values be defined at the second level.

The "descriptions" object can contain an unlimited number of descriptions.

The main description is labelled "default".

Description keys are defined using snake_case.

Descriptions typically contain HTML.




A string or number containing the unique identifier for an object.

Always use lowercase, URL safe values for all ID fields.



An object containing a language tree with a collection of titles (key-value pairs) as the leaf nodes.

Language specific objects require that the language be defined at the first level and the individual values be defined at the second level.

The titles object can contain an unlimited number of titles.

The main title is labelled "default".

Title keys are defined using snake_case.

"titles" typically contain plain text.




An object containing a collection of abstracts (key-object pairs).

The media object can contain multiple objects.

The main object is labelled "default".

If an item has no items then the media object will be omitted from the response.

Each object in the key-object pairs can contain multiple key-value pairs, but there is normally a "src" key-value pair.

        width (optional)
        height (optional)
        another_property (optional)
        width (optional)
        height (optional)
        another_property (optional)



An object containing a language tree with a collection of abstracts (key-value pairs) as the leaf nodes.

Language specific objects require that the language be defined at the first level and the individual values be defined at the second level.

The "abstracts" object can contain an unlimited number of abstracts.

The main abstract is labelled "default".

Abstract keys are defined using snake_case.

Abstracts will typically contain HTML.




An object containing either a collection of properties (key-value pairs) or any valid custom JSON.

The values can be of any of the simple (expanded) JSON data types:

  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Date

CRUD operations

CRUD stands for create, read, update, and delete.


All Web Personalisation data records stored with Ometria are atomic at the root level.

This means that in order to update a branch or child item the whole "field" must be updated.

In the example below, we're just updating the subtitle "en-gb/washing_instructions" and adding a new property to explain that the product can be tumble dried.

Because the data is atomic to the root level, we only need to supply two fields, but those fields must be fully formed.

  "descriptions": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p><p>Great for parties</p>",
      "washing_instructions": "<p>Machine washable</p>"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p><p>Ideal für Partys</p>",
      "washing_instructions": "<p>Maschinenwaschbarer und Wäschetrockner bereit</p>"
  "id": "186917",
  "titles": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "Floral Dress",
      "alt_title": "Summer Dress"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "Blumenkleid",
      "alt_title": "Sommerkleid"
  "media": {
    "default": {
      "src": "",
      "width": 400,
      "height": 400
    "alt1": {
      "src": "",
      "width": 550,
      "height": 550
  "abstracts": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p>",
      "occasion": "<p>Formal or casual</p>"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p>",
      "occasion": "<p>Formal oder lässig</p>"
  "properties": {
    "machine_washable": true,
    /* Insert new property here */
    "extra_info": "stain resistant",
    "warranty": "1 year",
    "occasion": [

Atomic updates

  "descriptions": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p><p>Great for parties</p>",
      "washing_instructions": "<p>Machine washable and tumble dryer ready</p>"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p><p>Ideal für Partys</p>",
      "washing_instructions": "<p>Maschinenwaschbarer und Wäschetrockner bereit</p>"
  "id": "186917",
  "properties": {
    "machine_washable": true,
    "tumble_dryer_ready": true,
    "extra_info": "stain resistant",
    "warranty": "1 year",
    "occasion": [

After updating

If the payload above was applied to the original record, then the data stored in Ometria would look like this:

  "descriptions": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p><p>Great for parties</p>",
      "washing_instructions": "<p>Machine washable and tumble dryer ready</p>"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p><p>Ideal für Partys</p>",
      "washing_instructions": "<p>Maschinenwaschbarer und Wäschetrockner bereit</p>"
  "id": "186917",
  "titles": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "Floral Dress",
      "alt_title": "Summer Dress"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "Blumenkleid",
      "alt_title": "Sommerkleid"
  "media": {
    "default": {
      "src": "",
      "width": 400,
      "height": 400
    "alt1": {
      "src": "",
      "width": 550,
      "height": 550
  "abstracts": {
    "en-gb": {
      "default": "<p>Light floral summer dress</p>",
      "occasion": "<p>Formal or casual</p>"
    "de-de": {
      "default": "<p>Leichte florale Sommerkleid</p>",
      "occasion": "<p>Formal oder lässig</p>"
  "properties": {
    "machine_washable": true,
    "tumble_dryer_ready": true,
    "extra_info": "stain resistant",
    "warranty": "1 year",
    "occasion": [

Null values

When data is uploaded via the Batch API, content is treated like a PATCH operation.

This means that if a field is omitted from the data file then that field won't be updated.

If you want to remove the value of a field you must set it to null.

Here's an example:

    "descriptions": {
        "en-gb": {
            "default": "<p>Fully waterproof, all terrain tent</p>",
    "id": "186917",
    "titles": {
        "en-gb": {
            "default": "Waterproof Tent"
    "media": {
        "default": {
            "src": "",
            "width": 400,
            "height": 400
    "abstracts": {
        "en-gb": {
            "default": "<p>Quick build tent</p>",
    "properties": {
        "waterproof": true,
        "build_type": "quick"

To remove the "abstracts" field, post:

    "id": "186917",
    "abstracts": null

This removes the "abstracts field", and all other fields remain as they were before.


    "descriptions": {
        "en-gb": {
            "default": "<p>Fully waterproof, all terrain tent</p>",
    "id": "186917",
    "titles": {
        "en-gb": {
            "default": "Waterproof Tent"
    "media": {
        "default": {
            "src": "",
            "width": 400,
            "height": 400
    "abstracts": null,
    "properties": {
        "waterproof": true,
        "build_type": "quick"