Website personalisation: Headless API integration

See: Which integration method is right for me?

Quick start guide

Here is a brief introduction to the steps required for headless API integration with Ometria's website personalisation functionality.

1. Authenticate

Choose your preferred authentication method(s):

  • Basic authentication (key and secret)
  • IP restriction

For basic authentication use your key and secret to add a header to each request:

const key       = "f4198aa7934b402981179610e71dcdbe";
const secret    = "AW328UXvlwqfsOkS8smjIGtxfXAqjJxD";
const encoded   = btoa(`${key}:${secret}`);
// encoded output ZjQxOThhYTc5MzRiNDAyOTgxMTc5NjEwZTcxZGNkYmU6QVczMjhVWHZsd3Fmc09rUzhzbWpJR3R4ZlhBcWpKeEQ=
POST `https://{{domainkey}}.store-{{locationkey}}`
--header `Authorization: Basic ${encoded}`

2. Make a query

Once your authentication has been configured you'll want to start sending queries to Ometria.

Example request:

POST "https://{{domainkey}}.store-{{locationkey}}"
--header "Authorization: Basic {{ key_secret_encoded }}"
   "format"            : "json",
   "elements"          : ["category", "cat_1", "cat_2"],
   "user": {
       "uid"           : "ebf3175817b0423eac68a03c68a9be5f",
       "sid"           : "961c660991a547298af8b31f431a66b0",
       "ip_address"    : ""
   "context": {
       "category_id"   : "dresses",
       "page_url"      : "",
       "user_agent"    : "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1"

The response is always sent in JSON.

Example response:

   "request_id": "d6f5fac4c7cd43518342729c5e502ffb",
   "response_id": "8f0e2f04dbf44f24be80c60a5cc57625",
   "user": +{...},
   "header": +{...},
   "elements": +{...}

See: Headless Query API examples

3. Tracking

To complete the integration, you'll need to use our Tracking APIs to track certain events.

Here's an example of tracking an "add to basket" event:

POST "https://{{domainkey}}.store-{{locationkey}}"
   "scope"         : "basket",
   "action"        : "add",
   "data"          : { "product_id": "{{ product_id }}", "quantity": 1 },
   "user": {
       "uid"       : "ebf3175817b0423eac68a03c68a9be5f",
       "sid"       : "961c660991a547298af8b31f431a66b0"

See: Headless Query API examples