We recommend using the following schema to name your data parameters.
Value | Description | Example |
email | The contact's email address. | jane@fashionshop.com |
phone | The contact's phone number. | 07712312334 |
title | The contact's title. | Ms |
name | The contact's first and last name. | Jane Smith |
firstname | The contact's first name. | Jane |
surname | The contact's last name. | Smith |
contactID | The contact's ID. | 1234 |
accountURL | The URL to access the contact's account settings. | www.fashionshop.com/myacc
ount/12345 |
Value | Description | Example |
orderID | The ID of the order placed. | 00002501 |
creationDate | The date and time the order was placed. | 01/16/2019 9:50 am |
status | The status of the order. | New |
orderDetailsURL | A link direct to the order details. | www.fashionshop.com/brand/orders |
coupons | Any coupon code(s) used in the order. | Welcome10 |
Value | Description | Example |
paymentMethod | The method of payment used in the order. | Credit Card |
lastFour | The last four digits on the credit card used in the order. | 1234 |
amount | The monetary amount paid. | £1530 |
Value | Description | Example |
subTotal | The subtotal for the order excluding shipping and tax. | £1530 |
'totalShippingCost' | The shipping cost for the order. | £5 |
totalTax | The tax cost for the order. | £5 |
grandTotal | The total for the order including
shipping and tax. | £1535 |
Value | Description | Example |
address1 | The first line of the shipping address. | 1 Example Road |
address2 | The second line of the shipping address. | West Quarter |
address3 | The third line of the shipping address. | Townsville |
city | The city of the shipping address. | London |
county | The state or county of the shipping address. | Greater London |
postcode | The shipping address postcode or zip code. | EC1 1HY |
countrycode | The shipping address country code. | GB |
trackingID | The ID of the tracking service. | 1223 |
trackingURL | The URL of the tracking service. | www.ometria.com/trackin
g/1223 |
Value | Description | Example |
address1 | The first line of the billing address. | 1 Example Road |
address2 | The second line of the billing address. | West Quarter |
address3 | The third line of the billing address. | Townsville |
city | The city of the billing address. | London |
county | The state or county of the billing address. | Greater London |
postcode | The billing address postcode or zip code. | EC1 1HY |
countrycode | The shipping address country code. | GB |
Value | Description | Example |
imgUrl | The product image URL. | https://www.ometria.com/
img/12243563.jpg |
productID | The product's ID. | 12243563 |
colour | The product's colour. | Green |
url | The URL of the product on your website. | https://www.ometria.com/
product/12243563.html |
quantity | The quantity of the products purchased, refunded or added to wishlist. | 1 |
sizeName | The product size. | 12 |
sizeDescription | A description of the product size. | UK size 12 Trousers. |
price | The product price. | £25.00 |
discount | Any discount applied to the order. | £10 |
subTotal | The price of the product multiplied by the quantity. | £25.00 |
length | The product length. | Short. |
productName | The product name. | Green trousers. |
sku | The product SKU. | green_trousers |
Value | Description | Example |
name | The file name of your PDF attachment. | order_confirmation.pdf |
type | The type of file you're sending. | application/pdf |
data | The import base 64 string. | Q29uZ3JhdHVsYXRpb25zLCB5b3UgY2FuIGJhc2U2NCBkZWNvZGUh |
Value | Description | Example |
message | A string message to be included in an email | Great to hear from you, we’ll look into your comments. |
website | A URL to your website (if different to your base URL in Ometria). | www.ometria.com |