Front end integration overview

Decide which integration method is right for your brand

There are various methods for delivering Ometria Web Personalisation content to your front end site:


This is the simplest integration type.



For Shopify users this is the default method, and all modifications are performed automatically by our Shopify Integration Wizard, so no manual integration is required.

Typical steps for a JavaScript implementation would be:

  1. Add Web Personalisation JavaScript tags to your themes/templates
  2. Add markup to your templates anywhere you want to add Ometria Web Personalisation content
  3. Add tracking tags to your templates

See: JavaScript integration


Typically, using JavaScript for the following types has no impact on SEO:

  • Autocomplete
  • Search results page
  • Recommendations

For category pages the picture is slightly more complex.

The Web Personalisation JavaScript library has been written to allow modern web crawlers, e.g. Google, to run the code and follow content delivered via our JavaScript library, so using the JavaScript will have little or no impact on SEO.

However, we recommend making sure you have an updated site map to make sure that older web crawlers can find all of your products.

Headless API

This is a more complex integration and might require platform development.

Using this method your platform will make a call to Ometria's Web Personalisation APIs and the APIs return a response with product information and other metadata.

In an API integration you will be responsible for handling the response from the API call (JSON), turning it into HTML and then merging this into the output stream - although it is possible to have Ometria return HTML fragments too.

See: Headless API integration


This method makes Ometria Web Personalisation invisible to search engines and so will have no impact on SEO.

Multiple: JavaScript and API

You can use a combination of JavaScript and API integrations.

This is a typical way of combining integration methods:


  • Autocomplete
  • Search results page
  • Recommendations


  • Category pages

Which integration method is right for me?

Is your ecommerce platform built in-house?

  • Yes: You should be able to use the API implementation
  • No: You will need to use the JavaScript implementation

Does your platform have highly bespoke functionality, such as complex pricing algorithms, or do you want to take full control of look and feel (HTML generation)?

  • Yes: API would be a good fit here as that logic can still be processed in your platform
  • No: The JavaScript implementation should be fine to use