JUMP TOOmetria data APIPushPush objectspostList errorsgetProductsList ProductsgetGet ProductgetOrdersList OrdersgetGet OrdergetContactsList CollectionsgetList ContactsgetGet Contact listinggetCustom EventReturns a list of custom eventsgetReturns a list of custom events of a specific typegetReturns a specific custom eventgetProfilesFetch list of profilesgetFetch individual profilegetMerge profiles based on the provided identifiers.postGet the status of merge jobs.getGet the status of a specific merge job.getListsList ListsgetGet ListgetGet List ChangesgetFetch List membersgetExport List membersgetTransactional EmailSend Transactional EmailpostUnsubscribesReceive unsubscribed contacts within a time range.getGDPR anonymisation requestsList GDPR related data anonymisation requestsgetCreate new GDPR data anonymisation requestpostGet details of specific GDPR related data anonymisation requestgetCustom FieldsList Custom FieldsgetCreate Custom FieldpostUpdate Custom FieldputDelete Custom FielddeletePowered by Get details of specific GDPR related data anonymisation requestget https://api.ometria.com/v2/data-deletion-requests/{id}Returns details and status of GDPR related data anonymisation request by its ID.